This blog is dedicated to the liberation of a forgotten occupied Arab land, the Golan Heights or Hadhabat Al-Jawlan. As a citizen of Syria, I have been prevented from visiting the Golan Heights because it was stolen from my country by the zionist military in 1967.
Among all occupied Arab lands, the Golan Heights has experienced the highest level of ethnic cleansing per capita. Before the Israeli aggression, it had a population of about 500,000 of those indiginous inhabitants only 17,000 remain today.
I hope that through this blog I can educate myself and others about the Golan issue and maybe one day the racist Israeli occupation will come to an end.
BULLSHIT mother fucker
please do not make personal attacks like that. Explain to me what you think is ficticious about what I posted? No need to get angry.
What about the land of Lebanon that is STILL being occupied by Syria?
Syria attacked Israel and got its ass spanked in the golan - now you're crying?
Golan girl from Syria
We as Children of Al Golan support you with your work ,InshaALAH we will get back all our stolen land,and were going back one day!!!!!
stolen land! Golan has always beloged to Eretz Israel! And what about the alnds that Syria has stolen from the Kurds!!!!!! Give it back to them you thieves!
Look at the Zionists squabble. In fact, ignore them. It's barely worth it.
From Khiam in South Lebanon, from the prison where the SLA, short for SLAves to the Zionists, you can see the Shebaa Farms, and the Golan Heights, rise majestically into the skyline.
Such unfathomable beauty cannot be stolen for ever.
As an Italian Canadian, I am with you all the way....
The Golan Heights is and will one day return to Syria....
I am with you all the way...
i hope Israel by the way that is one messed up name (I refer to it as STOLEN LAND). receives teh small portion it was given, because no one wanted there dirty asses anyway..
BTW this next sentence is strickly for the anti Syrian person who placed his comment on here.
You lower then dirt, thanks for prosecuting and killing my Saviour Jesus Christ, who is a CHRISTIAN, he knew what was right from wrong, so he left your dirty stickin whatever you pray to. Oh i forgot bang your head on a piece of rock.. loser.
I come from the land of the ROMANS. Not no wimpy Jews....loser
BTW may sure, your so called messed up government keeps his dick inside his pants, and runs a proper government not a corrupt one :( loser
maybe you should follow the Roman system, OH I FORGOT, we already did everything in Palestine, oh i forgot stolen land.
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