Saturday, July 07, 2007

Al Jazeera Golan Heights Documentary

Taken from Syria News Wire

People and Power, tx date 7 July 07. Al Jazeera looks at the difficulties for Syrians living in the Golan Heights - in the Occupied Golan, and in the liberated Golan.

Part One:

Part Two


Lirun said...

that seemed fairly balanced..

it is a shame however that syrian children are taught to feel like victims.. thats not very character building..

i believe that we will achieve peace..

somehow and in some shape and form and that one day these issues will be studied in history books and kids will cringe wondering about the relevance..


Marta said...

hi Golaniya, i saw that documentary in aljazeera english and i was very impressed with the living conditions in the Golan Heights. Here in Europe we don´t have the right notion of whats going on there and blogs like yours help us to get in touch with the reality of this occupied territories

i´m a usual reader of " Descentering Damascus", great blog!

Anonymous said...

We're going on vacation to the liberated Golan Heights next week.

I can't wait.

Ayman Haykal said...

very biased. same old stereotypes. too bad it was aired on al jazeera.

Anonymous said...

Marta, thank you! welcome to this blog as well :-)

Ayman, i agree, but i think it is the usual phase a process goes through to reach a reasonable down to earth stage.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!