عرب48 |
09/08/2007 11:45 |
كشف النقاب مؤخرا عن اعتقال جنود من لواء الناحل يخدمون في أحد المواقع العسكرية في الجولان المحتل بتهمة تعاطي المخدرات أثناء الخدمة. الأمر الذي اعتبرته أوساط سياسية وعسكرية إسرائيلية «أمرا خطيرا».
ويأتي ذلك في ظل الحديث عن مخاوف إسرائيلية من اندلاع حرب على الجبهة السورية واهتمام سياسي وإعلامي واسع.
وقد كشف قائد الكتيبة وجود ظاهرة تعاطي المخدرات بين جنوده، بعد أيام من تسلمه قيادة الكتيبة، وفي مشاورات مع الشرطة العسكرية تقرر البدء في التحقيق.
وقد ساورت المقدم عودد بار عوز شكوكا، في الأيام الأولى لتسلمه قيادة الكتيبة، بأن جنودا في الوحدة العاملة في الموقع يتعاطون المخدرات. وتقرر في أعقاب مشاورات أجراها مع الشرطة العسكرية البدء في التحقيق.
يوم الأحد الماضي وصل محققو الشرطة العسكرية إلى الموقع العسكري "حرمون" واحتجزوا 14 جنديا للتحقيق. وبعد التحقيقات الأولية اعتقلت الشرطة 4 جنود على ذمة التحقيق، وأوقفت 8 جنود عن الخدمة العسكرية إلى حين انتهاء التحقيق.
وأكد مكتب الناطق الإعلامي للجيش الإسرائيلي النبأ وقال أن اشرطة العسكرية تحقق في القضية وأن أربعة جنود اعتقلوا، بينهم جندي لم يفرج عنه بعد. مشيرا إلى أن بعد انتهاء التحقيقات ستقدم نتائج التحقيق للنيابة العسكرية.
At least in Israel, when soldiers misbehave, we publish it and everybody knows the details. In Syria, you blame the weather...
Maybe you haven't read your comment:
The difference between "you" and "us", lies in soldiers themselves; while yours "misbehave", ours were the "victims" of the Syrian government's inefficiency.
The news is so important for it reflects the structure of the Israeli army, i.e. an occupying "army".
I respectfully disagree. I don't think there is any connection between a couple of soldiers doing drugs and being an "occupying army".
I also tend to believe that among Syrian soldiers you might also find a handful of drug users. The fact that you don't read about it in newspapers doesn't say it doesn't exist.
I agree that if an info doesn't appear then it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. and of course, Syrian army is no saint; it has committed mistakes.
my point is, usually when a soccer team plays on its ground, it wins for it feels "home".
One of the reasons the Israelis lost the July war is because of their low morale compared to the "land owners" of Hezbolla fighters' high morale.
I might be mistaken, but I feel that the Israeli soldiers have no connection to the "land" as much as to the "image" of Israel embodied in a flag or a star.
Hence, these practices, which are increasing, might be one reflection to this general feeling I personally noticed.
We do not disagree on how Israel "partially" speaks itself through media, at least internally, but we are talking about how we read such new info in the context of a potential war between Syria and Israel.
بصراحة هناك أمر لا أفهمه في قضية الجولان
وهو لماذا لم ينتج الإحتلال الصهيوني هناك حالة مقاومة كالتي ظهرت في جنوب لبنان
بمعنى أخر لماذا لا نرى حزب الله جولاني؟
ملحوظة: زرت بقية مدوناتك وكلها قيمة ما شاء الله
لكن سؤال : لماذا كل هذا الإهتمام بشخص عزمي بشارة؟
I see what you mean.
However, I think you underestimate the bond between the Israeli youth and the Golan. The Golan is interwoven in our culture, due to the long history of Jewish communities there during the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and early mediaeval periods. In Israeli eyes it is certainly much more Jewish than Arab.
Nevertheless, the Golan might be returned to Syrian hands for a true peace. Two Israeli prime ministers, Rabin and Barak, have already put the deal on the table: full withdrawal in return for full peace.
The problem is that the Syrian gov't and people do not seem to do anything to convince us, the Israelis, that there is some interest in peace.
As a matter of fact, the amount of hatred and anti-Zionism that emanates from the Syrian side (including Syrian bloggers) seems to be evidence to the contrary.
This atmosphere of hatred and force is counter productive to your own case. Since if you hate me, I'll show you I can hate you more; use force against me, and I'll show you I can use even more force against you.
I'm under the impression that the current Syrian attitude is bound to bring both our countries only suffering.
This is weird; are you, occupier, teaching me, owner of a land, about hatred?
I think peace is simple.
Give me my land back!
Alzaher, Azmi Bishara is a man who has threatened Israeli so called democracy. if you read his articles you'll also realize that he is not just a rare Arab intellect, but an excellent reader of both Arab and international hypocrisies.
There is quite simply no place for Israel in the region as a Zionist state. As Azmi Beshara pointed out, the Apartheid government was dismantled and not acceptable as a partner in any solution. The fact you can't differentiate Zionism from any alternative vision you have of Israel tells me there can never be peace until Palestine is recovered. Zionism is an ideology that has brought much more damage and destruction to the region than all the tinpot arab dictators and mullah's combined. Thank you for lecturing us on peace, but your olive branch is from a tree that doesn't belong to you.
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